

* All prices below have the option to paid for the full year all at once.

Members Entry Fees Per Race

Street Class - $35.00 for vehicle and member*

Bike Class - $35.00 for bike and member*

Pro Class - $45.00 for vehicle and member*

Pit Passes - $20.00 per member*

Non-members add $5.00.

Please note that you must be a paid member to participate in the season's points standings competition.

Interested in becoming a member? Detials below.

Student Class - $20.00 for vehicle and Driver.

Student Pit Pass - $10.00 per student.

First Time Racers - $20.00 for vehicle and driver for first race day, then above pricing.

Grandstands $5.00 per person. 12 and under are free with an adult!

Individual memberships fees are $30.00

Family membership fees are $60.00 (includes two adults and two children under 16) and run from April 1st to March 31st annually.


By having a membership, both racers and non-racers have access to discounts on race days. Benefits include; a discount on car and driver fees for racers, a discount on pit entry fees, voting rights at meetings, receive club emails of events & updates, participation in the points class standings for racers, discounts at Lordco, etc...

Help support our club and ensure we are racing for many years to come.

Individual Memberships are $50.00 and family Memberships are $70.00 (Family Memberships includes two adults and two children under 16) and run from April 1st to May 31st annually.

Memberships can be purchased at meetings, on race day, or by contacting the Membership Director - Bill Jamieson at 250-888-0053 or though email at

Driver Information Form

Drivers, we ask that you please to print and complete the Driver Information Form so that the tower computers can be up to date. Once completed bring it to race day or at a club meeting.

Driver Information Form/New Racers Form


NEW: Pro Class times are now 5.79 seconds or faster and Street Class is now 5.80 seconds or slower.

  • Pro Class: Cars that race the track in 5.79 seconds or faster with No electronics and No Delay Boxes.
  • Street Class: Street legal cars that race the track in 5.80 seconds or slower.
  • Bike Class: A variety of street bikes, sport bikes, race bikes and drag race bikes.
  • Student Class: High school students who build the cars at school, then race them at the track.
  • Exhibition: Incredible rides who come out not to compete but to show what their vehicle can do.


To those who are new to the sport, the beauty of bracket drag racing is that it doesn't matter how quick or how slow the vehicle is, it's how consistent the driver and the vehicle are that matters.

Our Track practices Bracket Drag Racing. Bracket racing is a combination of a consistent vehicle, quick reaction time to the green light and of getting close to the dial in without going over.

"Dial in" refers to the time the driver predicts he/she will take to run the track from the start to finish line. Drivers choose the "dial in" time their car can run consistently based on their qualifying pass results. During Eliminations when two cars compete, they subtract the dial-ins, and the slower car gets that much of a head start. The theory is that if both drivers get identical reaction times, and both run what they predicted, they will meet right at the finish line in a tie. Realistically, this never happens. Reaction times will differ, and the car may run quicker or slower than predicted etc... There are times where it appears that a vehicle has won but is eliminated. This could be due to the vehicle getting a "Red Light" which when a vehicle leaves the starting line before the green light comes on, or by the vehicle "Breaking Out" being when the vehicle runs faster than their "dial in". When two cars "break out", the car that breaks out the least amount wins. When two cars "red light", the car who "red lights" first takes the loss.

So whether the vehicle is custom built, stock, new, or old, bracket racing comes down to consistency...not simply what is under the hood.


All cars, whether PRO, SUPER PRO, EXHIBITION, STREET, BIKE, or STUDENT CLASS must line up on the left hand side of the parking lot along side the creek. Cars are not allowed to line up on the R.V. side of the parking lot as this area is a FIRE LANE and MUST REMAIN ACCESSIBLE TO EMERGENCY VEHICLES AT ALL TIMES.

Any vehicles parked in the fire lane will not be Teched until they are moved. For safety reasons, this lane must be clear at all times.

Tech. Inspection

SISLRA follows all NHRA rules. The following information includes some highlights and important things we look for;


Technical/Safety inspection: You must have;

  • Snell Helmet. (Snell approved with a manufacture date of 2015 or newer.)
  • Valid Drivers Licence.
  • Medical I.D. Card.
  • Good working brakes.
  • Seat belts.
  • Vehicle battery must be securely fastened down (stock for street cars).
  • Batteries if not held down in stock position, must have battery held down with a minimum 3/8" redi rod + 1" wide metal strap.
  • Drivers must wear pants and a long sleeve shirt if planning to race. Shorts, bare legs, tank tops, track pants, sandals or bare torsos are not allowed when driving in competition.
  • Drivers running 5.22 seconds or faster must wear a jacket meeting SFI Spec.3.2A/1. SFI approved pants and shoes are also recommended.
  • Drive shaft safety loops are required on all cars running non-DOT approved tires.
  • Vehicles cannot have any fluid leaks of any kind thus the use of a catch can is suggested to accumulate excess liquids from both the radiator and valve cover breathers.
  • Unless specified in your vehicle's warranty, vehicles should not be using Antifreeze as it makes a mess of the track and could cause a bad accident if the vehicle that follows you in that lane gets caught up in it.

***Racers who use antifreeze are subject to track fines. ***

  • Please adhere to all track rules as the Race Director and the crew has the power to hand out penalties as well as fines or other disciplinary actions.
  • All drivers 16-18 years old must have parent consent forms with them.
  • For safety reasons, trailered cars must be walked out of race area (one person on each side).

*Please note that Delay Boxes are permitted in Super Pro Class only.

After passing the technical inspection to ensure your vehicle meets all safety requirements, you will proceed into the track area and get set up. Find a spot in the pits that doesn't block anyone's car or passage or that is not already spoken for by another driver. As the pits fill up quickly, please park in a manner that will maximize space in the pits.


The Track
  • SHUT DOWN AREA: This is the area of track after the finish line when you slow your car down prior to returning to the pit area. THIS IS A SAFETY RULE: The PIT lane vehicle after every run turns off the end of the track surface first. The TOWER lane vehicle must ALWAYS yield to the pit lane.
  • Stop at the back of the track area to get time slips. (No burnouts in this area.)
  • DO NOT test your car in the staging lanes.
  • NO burnouts in the pits...the speed limit in the pits is 5 MPH or 8KMS.
  • Signed driver ONLY allowed to drive the car. (Maximum 2 signed drivers per car and both must meet the tech./safety requirements and pay driver fees before getting behind the wheel.)
  • All drivers MUST attend the drivers meeting which occurs just before Eliminations.
  • Drivers must have helmet on, seatbelt on, windows up, and be race ready for staging lane official prior to being waved to the burnout box.
  • Windows must be rolled up at all times after leaving the staging lanes and entering the burnout area and starting line.
  • Drivers may not move into the burnout area until instructed to by the staging lane official.
  • Before all burnouts, wait until you are directed into the water box by the track official/Starter.
  • Once you are set up in the box, look up to the starter for the go ahead to proceed with your burnout.
  • Burnouts are to be done in a safe and controlled manner in the burnout area.


A. Your driver number and class must be on both the driver's side window and the right hand side of your windshield before entering the track area. They must be 6 inches in height and clearly visible.

B. Dial-in times must be 6 inches in height and clearly visible on both the driver's side window and the passenger side of your windshield to be easily seen by the officials in the tower.

White shoe polish or Dial-in from Lordco works well for writing your dial-in on your windows and easily wipes off.

  • Any driver planning on deep staging must ensure that they have a "D" posted clearly on both their driver side window and on the right hand side of their windshield. Any driver that does not do this will be disqualified from the day's event.
  • The practice of transbrake, converter stall, line loc testing, and/or transmission warming is prohibited in all classes unless the vehicle is on approved jackstands. Non-compliance is grounds for disqualification from the day's event.
  • Anytime a vehicle is to be raised off the ground for access, it must be supported by TWO jackstands with a minimum ground clearance of SEVEN inches. Non-compliance is grounds for disqualification from the day's event. As this is a safety infraction, a second incident will face a $50.00 fine as well as a two-event penalty.
  • To avoid staging lane congestion, it is asked that you do not enter the staging lanes or leave the pit area until your race class has been called. Unsure if your class has been called? Please see the lights on the tower with red meaning Pro, first yellow is Bikes, green is Street and second yellow is students. If your class has not been called, please remain in the pit area. *Time Only Runs are done after the second round of eliminations has been fully completed or when the Race Director permits.

Additionally, if you have any problems or questions about your time at the track, please see one of the officials at track level.



  • At our events we first have qualifying passes; a pass is a run down the track to test your vehicle for speed, your reaction to the lights, and for you to get a feel for the track conditions. The day's car count, weather and other track occurrences determine the number of qualifying passes permitted at each race.
  • These are timed passes but if you have a problem with a run, you are not disqualified.
  • Each driver receives a time slip which the driver picks up from the Printer Shack.
  • Driver information from you and your opponent is on the Time Slip and includes;
  • Driver's name
  • Car number
  • Tree Speed; the time it takes for each amber and green to come on after the previous bulb. It will usually be a Sportsman Tree, which is .500
  • Dial-in; the time the driver predicts it will take him/her to run the track from the start to the finish line.
  • Reaction Time; the time it took the driver to react to the starting lights. Measured in the thousandths of a second. A perfect reaction time is .500.
  • 60-foot; the time it takes a vehicle to cover the first 60 feet of the track. It is the most accurate measure of the launch from the starting line and in most cases determines how quick the rest of the run will be.
  • 330-foot; the time from the start line to 330 feet ~ good for comparing to racing in Saratoga or Mission Raceways.
  • M.P.H.; the speed the driver ran the track at in miles per hour. Track length 384 feet.
  • 384-foot - E.T.(Elapsed Time); the actual time it took the driver to get from the start line to the finish line.
  • Winner; will be under the Driver/Car who won the race.
  • Status; If you red lit, it will be listed as RED

Other racing terminology includes;

  • Christmas Tree; refers to the lighting system used for drag racing.
  • Breakout; refers to a driver running quicker than his or her "dial-in".
  • Hole shot; reacting quicker to the Christmas Tree starting light to win against a quicker opponent.
  • Burnout; spinning the rear tire in water to heat and clean them prior to a run for better traction. A burnout precedes every run. Never do a burnout when cars are on the starting line.
  • Prestaged; a car is prestaged when the top small yellow bulbs are on. It is courtesy for opponents to prestage one at a time by letting the other car prestage before you do.
  • Staged; a driver is staged when the front wheels of the car are right in the starting line and both sets of the small yellow bulbs on the driver's side of the Tree are both glowing.
  • Foul Start/Red Light; a foul start is indicated by a red light on the Tree when a car has left the starting line before receiving the green light.


  • Eliminations in layman's term are when you start your real racing.
  • When going into eliminations, you want to look at all your time-slips from qualifying.
  • You want to compare your 'E.T's' for all of your qualifying runs, see if your time has improved from your first to your last qualifying run then decide what time you should put on your windows as your "dial-in".
  • Another part of the time-slip you want to review is the reaction time; if your reaction time has improved, you want to take into consideration why.
  • Too quick of a reaction at the start line may cause you to 'red light', if this happens in eliminations you are eliminated and you are out of the race.
  • "Time only's" are methods of continuing to run passes after you have been eliminated. Time only passes are a timed pass made with the permission and discretion of the Race Director. Always remember if the race is on a time constraint, T/O's may be refused.
  • If you get the go ahead for a time only, then proceed down the far right curb side of the staging lanes, the staging official will wave you into the water box as time is freed up. Grudge matches can be run as time only's as well. Most time only's will be done between elimination rounds so don't get upset if you have to wait for a break in the action.



A driver may be disqualified for the following;

1) Failure to stage on the starter's instruction.

2) Illegally crossing the starting line during a burnout.

3) Crossing the centerline during any elimination run.

4) If found to be under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs. (An incident of this magnitude may result in a full year track suspension.) A driver is responsible for the actions of their pit crew; the above rules apply to all pit crew as well.

5) Excessive braking which causes an accident or contact with the wall or tires.

6) Disregarding instruction from any SISLRA official or track crew.

7) Blatant disregard for obvious safe track driving protocol.

8) Lack of respect for the safety of others.

All race day questions or concerns should be taken to the Race Director.

Please remember that it is strictly enforced that there is absolutely NO ALCOHOL or ILLEGAL DRUGS permitted at the track on race days.

Racing don'ts...

  • If you pick up your time slip and your reaction time has a ( - ) in front of it, you have possibly lost. Why you ask? Because it means that you left before the light actually turned green. This is an easy way to say "red light".
  • Getting a 'red light' is not relevant during qualifying; in fact some drivers do it just to see how close they can cut the lights.
  • The object of winning the race is to have a perfect reaction time to the light as well as crossing the finish line exactly on your dial in. Go faster than your dial in you'll break out, too slow and chances are you will be so far away from your "dial-in" that your opponent will cross the finish line first.
  • Break-Outs; this infraction is caused by you running faster than your "dial-in", if you both break-out then the win will go to the one who broke out least.
  • Crossing the centerline is immediate grounds for you to lose a race, again although not a smart move it doesn't count during qualifying.
  • Deep staging is a process of staging where after turning on both the "pre-stage bulb" and the "staged" bulb you roll forward; this causes the top set of "pre-stage bulbs" in your lane to turn back off. Although deep staging in racing is allowed, if you do not have a large D clearly visible on both the windshield and drivers side window you will be disqualified.



FULL TREE: Used in Competition, Stock, and Super Stock, for which a handicap starting system is used to equalize competition. The three amber bulbs on the Christmas Tree flash consecutively fivetenths of a second apart, followed five-tenths later by the green starting light. A perfect reaction time on a full Tree is .000 or .500 depending on the timing system used.

PRE-STAGE INDICATOR LIGHTS: Yellow bulbs warn drivers that they are approaching the starting line and the "staged" position.

STAGE INDICATOR LIGHTS: Signal drivers that they are on the starting line ready for a run. These yellow bulbs come on when the front wheels of a race car interrupt the beam from a light source to the photo cells. These same photo cells start the timing equipment when the cars leave the light beams.

THREE-AMBER STARTING SYSTEM: All three amber floodlights in a driver's lane flash simultaneously before the green light comes on. This is called a "Pro start" system. Racers running in handicap categories get a countdown of one amber light at a time until the green light comes on. The Pro start system runs with a .4-second difference between amber and green lights, while the handicap system runs with a .5-second difference between bulbs.

GREEN LIGHT: This is the one that makes it happen. Once the green light is flashed, the driver in that lane is free to make a run. Any time a green light is shown in a driver's lane it indicates that a fair start was accomplished.

RED LIGHT: When a car leaves the starting line before the green light comes on, or, in some cases, is staged too deeply into the staging beams, the red light will flash in that lane. It indicates the driver in that lane has been disqualified. During competition, only one red light will illuminate, thus eliminating only the first offender.